In our life as believers, our salvation and Christian graces, prayer is extremely important. Failure to pray, is failure in our complete line of life. It's failing in our duty, service, and our spiritual progress. Prayer is very important for us and to GOD. When we don't pray, we rob ourselves of GOD's help and we place GOD where he can't help us. WE MUST HAVE FAITH AND PRAY! We must pray to GOD to show our love for GOD. Faith, hope, patience and all the strong magnificent and essential powers of godliness are wasted and empty in a life without prayer. Prayer concerns GOD. GOD's purposes and plans for our lives are established on prayer. His perfect will and glory for our lives are guaranteed through proper and constant prayer. A prayerful lifestyle is absolutely necessary in order to carry on GOD's work. We must NEVER be too busy to pray. Being too busy to pray causes us to backslide and ruins the work already done. If the enemy can keep us too busy doing things, that we don't stop and pray, he has successfully disarmed us. DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! Nothing can even be done right without prayer, because not praying leaves GOD out. Prayer puts GOD to work. Things that are legitimate and right may even become wrong when they take the place of prayer. Col.4:12 and Romans 12:12 are translated, "Continuing in prayer ". If we want our lives to change for better we must include GOD in everything, wear the full armor of GOD.We must stay prayed up. Here are some Bible verses about the power of prayer; Psalms 107:28-30, Matthew 7:7 and 21:22, Mark 9:29 and 11:24, John 14:13-14, Acts 9:40, Ephesians 6:18, Philippians 4:6-7, and James 5:14-16. Take these Bible verses to GOD in prayer, ask for wisdom and discernment to teach you how to pray and what he wants you to pray for. Prayer is our most personal, intimate aspect of our relationship with GOD. Furthermore, prayer is also a time of obedience, Jesus instructs us to pray.